all big vehicles must have
rear safe
We have told how small things saved people when they flew, fell, jumped from great heights. Now let’s see how to protect against these dangers.
First let’s see an example to understand this.
Let’s take a car and a lorry for example.
If a lorry hits a car slowly and then pushes it forward, the car will move forward without being hit at all.
If the same car is hit by a lorry with a certain speed, the car will go forward with a certain speed and the vehicle will be damaged to some extent.
Now, if the lorry accelerates the same car, the car will be pushed forward. And seriously damaged.
Action is only one of the above three. The only thing that changed was the speed at which the lorry touched.
Now what is to be understood.
If the force of the lorry hitting the car can be reduced through engineering intelligence, the severity of the accident can be completely or largely eliminated.
If you look at the accidents in general, the lorry is hit from behind and there are the most deaths in the accidents.
The back of this lorry’s shape is would be like, ” if Touch me and you’ll die”.
Okay, this truck shape thing, we’ll see in later projects.
No matter how many no-parking rules there are, somewhere, someone, for some reason, will continue to park vehicles on the roads.
We have the technology to protect these parking or running trucks, any vehicle hit to them.
For this we have developed 6 types of models design.
Let’s take a look at how this works, with some examples.
When a cell phone is dropped, how does a thin cover protect it?
from How high if do jumped into water and why you are not injure?
If a 10 mm coin is placed on the train tracks, the train wheels will experience a lot of friction.
the same on road, why 60mm and 70mm stone paved vehicle tires don’t friction so much.
That being said, there are hundreds of examples.
If we look at the number of fatal accidents, most of them are rear-end collisions with lorries.
The shape of the back of this lorry is like, if you touch me, you will die.
Point 2, if a lorry weighing around 30 to 40 tonnes is hit by a vehicle weighing only 1 to 2 tonnes, the lorry will not move a millimetre. This means that there is no chance of escaping even 1% of the risk. It should also be said that, for normal vehicles, a lorry parked on the road is like a lorry built with concrete.
And how do you get out of this?